Project informations

  • Category: Electric sub-brand BMW i market launch
  • Client: Wallis Motor
  • Period: 2014
  • Project URL:

Project management

It is a diverse and therefore complex task. Deadlines, costs, ideas, interests and conflicts of interest. Different methodologies, color graphs sound good, but in reality, the human factor and information will determine the success or failure of implementation. Overall, it is necessary to see through it, not everyone thinks about it, so it has become a necessary profession, a field of expertise over the years.

My project portfolio is very wide, mostly technical, but covering many branches. Over the years, I’ve learned that either I know the answer or I need to know who is telling me. Trust, information, relationships.

Many times someone is expected to be an engineer, some kind of engineer. I have a technical background but an economics degree. If I really had to cultivate the knowledge of all the fields related to the projects at the engineering level, I would probably have to wear out university benches since the founding of the state and even now I wouldn’t be able to tell you a commitment deadline.

Rather, I think experience and well-asked questions will do much more to make a successful project a reality. We leave the trained engineers in the fields to work because they have a sufficient knowledge base to help the client make decisions with their properly prepared proposals.

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